
Mechanized: Nearly automated, nearly monkey-proof new product innovation methodology


You don’t need to be an expert

It used to be that in order to get a a new product off the ground, you had to be some sort of magician. You had to have the technical chops to invent the product or service in question, the design edge to make it usable and pretty, and the vision to know what to do in the first place. So teams would consult the oracles and the focus groups and the factories because how else would they know what to do? Or they would stick a finger in the air to gauge the wind before making important productization decisions.

Never again.

Before you productize, Mechanize

Mechanized turns the big decision of investing in the new product or feature and breaks it down into much more approachable, smaller, bite-size units. With Mechanized, you should rely less on the researchers in an ivory tower, rely less on the focus groups with groupthink — and more on your own ability to model the customer and synthesize their behavior.

First: Develop the customer

Without a customer to serve, there’s nothing.

Then: Customer/ProbleM

Why should your customer pay attention? Because you’re solving a super painful problem.

Third: Problem/Solution

Solves the problem functionally while also being something the customer understands.

Last: Develop the business model

There are many ways to sell a widget. Getting the model right is worth doing well.


Mechanized is a book that I wish I had read over the course of my career.”

Barry LePatner  |  Author, Attorney, Entrepreneur


What you get

This book, for me, is an attempt to bring to the world the benefits of mistakes that I and others have made at the early stages of making something new. Whether its a brand new company, a new product at a larger firm, or even a critical new feature of an existing product — I’ll argue that there’s something in the Mechanized process that might save you time or money. In addition to some of the good and generally accepted toolset of lean startup and design thinking, in the book I’ll walk you through:

  • Caveman goals

  • Frankenstein prototyping

  • X4Y vision crafting

  • Value Content Indexing

  • Systems thinking

  • Conformation bias

  • Applied prototyping

  • and more

I’ve priced these books nearly as low as Amazon will allow. My primary motivation is to get this into the hands of the people who might most benefit: entrepreneurs, innovators, and product people trying to make their dent in the universe.

If that sounds like you, come take this journey with me.


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